Best Android Browser

There are some amazing Android browser solutions out there that will enhance your browsing on your Android phone guaranteed.  That being said, there’s no reason you need to download one of these free Android browsers as the default browser will work for you.
Here’s my guideline for whether you should download a new Android browser: if you use the Internet on your phone more than once per week, then you need to download one of these amazing Android browser apps.  That’s the point where it becomes more than just a good idea but an absolutely mandatory decision that needs to be made.
Enough of the small talk, let’s get to the best Android browser apps that you can download for free.  One last thing- as you can see there aren’t that many apps in this article.  The reason being is that there really aren’t that many big players in this niche.  Why?  Well, these aren’t your run-of-the-mill Android apps that can be developed in a day or a week.  These take time and money to create and the testing and refinement periods really never end!  Want another reason?  If you decide to download an alternative Android browser, these are the only ones that you need to consider, PERIOD.  And they’re all 100% FREE to download and use if you haven’t caught that yet!

Skyfire Browser (beta)

Skyfire for Android excels at delivering flash videos for your viewing pleasure.  It also gives you the option to view the desktop or mobile versions of websites- assuming they both exist.  This browser is solid, but not my absolute favorite.  Still, if you’re a video-junkie, this is the must have Android browser.  It displays videos better than any other web browser for Android, but IMO it lacks a bit in other areas.  However, I would absolutely recommend everyone check this out and maybe it’ll be your favorite!


Dolphin Browser™ HD

This is the latest and greatest version of Android’s most popular browser.  So what does Dolphin Browser HD do that the original doesn’t?  They’ve concentrated more on the user experience with this new Android browser.  You’ll be able to navigate much faster throughout the browser with features like swiper through tabs and pinch zoom.  They’ve also decided to upgrade darn near everything that anyone may have taken exception to with the original Dolphin Browser™.  I really could go on for a few pages on the new features and why you should download this free Android browser, but I’ll let you discover all the possibilities yourself.


Opera Mini Web Browser

The Opera browser is solid and it’s one of the two best available right now.  It does everything pretty well and I promise there will be times you’ll completely forget you’re on your phone and not on your home PC.  It’s reliably fast and the data from the sites hardly ever overwhelms your phone.  The display is very simplistic and easy-to-use and overall is a very solid Android browser.
Just like Dolphin Browser, the folks at Opera have released a newer- souped up version of their browser.  Opera Mobile web browser is the extremely new (released just two days ago on November 9th, 2010) beta opera browser app that is going to be the next generation for Opera Android browsing.
This app is sure to be a monster- in time.  I just don’t know if I would jump in right now.  I would definitely keep it on your radar and check it out in a few weeks to see the progress its making.  Most of the bugs will be worked out by then and it will be much more stable.  This is all assuming you’re not a first adaptor- in which case, download this new Opera Android experience now and work it out!




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